Day three was a bit challenging, and we almost didn’t get through it, but somehow we did. I broke the ice with one of the Bean lifecycle craft/worksheets, and it was pretty positive from there, but the day involved more screen time than the first two days. I figure we’ll find out a balance eventually.
- Someone is reading The Life Story here and we’re watching them and talking about history: The Life Story Act 2 continued
- the book (which is a different version than the one being read above) is also available here: (this was cute for the first few acts, but eventually got weird and very pro-settler and ignored Indigenous people or the fact that “discovery” is kind of a silly word to use for a place that already had people in it.
- More pre-history - (this one was adamantly declined, but we’ll come back to it someday - it’s not really for 6 year olds anyway.
- Archeologists Dig for Clues (Pg. 4 – 17)
- Planets workbook construction.
- Seeding activity from School Garden Curriculum.
- How do seeds grow?
- Bean and Apple worksheets from here:
- Eat apple pie.
- Finish Book 2 of The Tale of Desperaux.
- We are stilly waiting for a copy of The Nature Connection, but glanced at the worksheets here:
- Write in our nature journal.